Watch most all creek boat videos today or footage where the paddler is being swallowed by massive holes amidst canyon walls. Now, what paddle do they have? Trusted on the hardest runs in the world and those firing up the hardest line on their local run are the Werner river running paddles. The Powerhouse and its smaller counterpart the Sherpa offer Bomber reliability, tested and proven where it counts.
Weight: 40.75oz
The gold standard for whitewater paddlers the world over. The Sherpa is the go-to paddle for smaller or shorter packrafters serious about pushing the limits of whitewater boating. This is the smaller version of the renowned Powerhouse paddle with the same design, simply a slightly smaller surface area.
Note: All of our paddles should be taken apart to dry before storage to prevent binding of the nylon ferrules with the shafts. The ferrules are designed with ridges to be lightly sanded if the fit becomes too tight.